Wednesday, 7 December 2011


the common, originally uploaded by julienpaul.

11 months in London and I am in my third house. I have left the genteel north-west and made it to the soon-to-be-gentrified south-west. It is still possible to be the only white guy on the street, but if there IS another white guy, chances are that he is either gay or Australian (or both). No surprises that I feel more at home here?

Then again, when I stumbled upon Brixton a year ago while looking for a house it was also the first place in London that felt to me truly alive. There is a bustle of actual locals moving through the streets, with more fresh food shops than anywhere else I have seen in London and a pub on every corner. You will find smoky meat being cooked in large metal drums and served with bountiful rice and peas, fresh fish for a few pounds, stolen bikes, great pizza and madmen preaching to the converted (with two evangelical churches on every street).

Though Brixton has a big Tescos I do like that it isn't its social hub.

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