Monday, 5 April 2010

must consume... sushi!

reflecting on life..., originally uploaded by dead zebra, inc.

You can tell procrastination is in full swing when I'm shopping for things online that I absolutely don't need, but want ever so much anyway (and trying to work out how I can fit it into the weekly budget).

This delicious piece of cuteness is the red O-No! Sushi! by Andrew Bell, with some really great photos here. I actually found O-No! a little while back and had all but forgotten about it until Nico started mentioning something about Finding Nemo sushi on Facebook.

Poor old O-No! Is being cut up and served with soy sauce, and he is delicious! This designer toy obviously comes from someone with a great sense of humour, who really stuck to the concept, from the great expression on the toy's face (I am worried, but still staying calm) to its packaging.

toy_onosushi-red1, originally uploaded by dead zebra, inc.

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